
"OTS Resolution No. 21718/WR dtd. 01.08.2023 & Revised operation guideline No. 23255/WS dtd. 18.08.2023".

Water Meter Readings (WMR):

The applicant at his own cost shall install a Flow Meter or a suitable measuring device for measurement of water drawn or lifted by him from the Government Water Source/ Irrigation Works as per the procedure laid down in Rule 23-A(b).

The Executive Engineer shall order installation of a Flow Meter or a suitable measuring device, as the case may be, after execution of the agreement in accordance with the provision of clause (e) of sub-rule(2) and before making any drawal of water, at its own cost by the concerned industrial, commercial or other establishment to measure the quantum of water to be drawn from the Government Water Source. The Flow Meter or measuring device, as the case may be, shall be installed under the direct supervision of the Executive Engineer or an Engineer not below the rank of an Assistant Executive Engineer to be specifically authorized by him, failing which the water supply shall not be made and the industrial, commercial or other establishment found drawing water without execution of such agreement and installation of Flow Meter or a suitable measuring device, as the case may be, shall be charged with penal rate at six times the rate specified in Schedule-III on the allocated quantity;

The Flow Meter or measuring device, as the case may be will be certified and checked about its accuracy from time to time by the Weights and Measures Organisation of the State Government or any other as the State Government may, by notification, specify from time to time to ensure accurate measurement of quantum of water for the purpose of collection of fee;

The industrial/ commercial or other establishment shall be responsible for smooth maintenance and up-keeping of the Flow Meter system under the general supervision of the Executive Engineer, who may, for cross-checking of the Flow Meter or suitable measuring device, install an additional Flow Meter or suitable measuring device, as the case may be, at a suitable place along the pipe line in the premises of the concerned establishment;

In case of any defect or non-functioning of the Flow Meter, the licencee shall bring the fact to the notice of the concerned Executive Engineer forthwith and take appropriate steps to remove the defects in the Meter or for replacement thereof within a period of three months and in such cases the water rate shall be charged on the quantity of water allocated for the said period of three months or till the defect in the Meter is removed or the Meter is replaced, as the case may be, whichever is earlier, and where the licencee fails to bring the defect or non- functioning of the Meter to the notice of the Executive Engineer or fails to remove the defects in the Meter or to replace the same, as the case may be, within a period of three months, the agreement shall be liable to cancellation and thereafter the water supply shall be stopped;

For bulk water supply to Municipalities, Notified Area Councils, other local authorities and cluster of villages such industrial, commercial or other establishment shall install separate Flow Meter or measuring device, as the case may be, at a suitable place along with the pipe line to ensure quantum of water supplied to such Municipalities, Notified Area Councils, other local authorities and cluster of villages for drinking and washing etc. in addition to installation of the Flow Meter under clause (b) which shall be treated as industrial or commercial use and license fee for such industrial or commercial use shall be at the rate double the existing rate as provided in item 3 (ii) of Schedule-III.

For details, Orissa Irrigation Rules, 1961(amended from time to time) may be followed.

"Every drop of water is precious. Use optimally by adopting recycle, reuse and zero discharge technology".